Leash fetch tennis ball collar brush go for a walk fur temperament bark toy harness kibble howl sit and stay woof leash fetch tennis ball collar brush go for a walk fur temperament bark toy harness kibble howl sit and stay woof leash fetch tennis ball collar brush go for a walk.
annie and paxton blessed us with a beautiful litter of eight healthy border collie puppies (five males + 3 females) on may 7th. we currently have available puppies in this litter.
born: may 7th
go home day: July 2nd
coats: rough coated - red merle, red + white
expected size: 20" tall, 45-52 lbs
we are so excited for margo's upcoming litter. the sire of this litter is an outside stud from reata ridge collies. we currently have available deposit spots for this upcoming litter.
expected: mid july
expected go home: early september
coats: rough coated - blue merle, black + white
expected size: 18-20" tall, 38-45 lbs
lulu is planned to have her first litter of puppies early next year with our boy, paxton. we currently have available deposit spots for this upcoming litter.
expected: january/february
expected go home: march/april
coats: rough coated - blue merle, black + white
expected size: 19-20" tall, 40 - 52 lbs
copyright 2024 wild woods collies
web design by fetch studio